While reading the texture articles, I realized how important depth, contrast and patterns are to a photo if you want good texture. The articles have also helped me start comprehending what possible camera settings photos were taken on. I am able to look at the details and take a better educated guess as to what setting the camera is on. When I look at photographs I am thinking more about the technical information of the picture, and what had to be done prior to capture that image. I think more about the process of getting a good photo instead of just taking a bunch of photos quickly. I now realize that no matter how boring the object is, it still has interesting texture.
ISO 400, 46mm, f/8, Shutter Speed 1/160
ISO 400, 55mm, f/5.6, Shutter speed 1/400
ISO 400, 43mm, f/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/320
This is the photo I chose that has an unbelievable texture. Whoever took this photo did an excellent job at capturing texture because we are able to see every strand of hair on this cat. I also really like the color saturation in this photo. The artist did a good job making some parts of the photo more saturated and darker looking. The photo is very clear and easy to see. It is very amazing how so much detail could be captured from a candid photo of a cat asleep on the blanket.
I also believe the blue blanket was a good choice because it brings diversity to the photo. If the blanket had been white, brown or black then the subject of the photo would not have stuck out as well as it did with the blue blanket. The way the photo is cropped makes it better because it focuses on the cat's face which is where a lot of texture and detail. Overall this is a great photo.